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D&D Community Campaigns

Whether you’re new to D&D or an experienced player, you can find a group to play with at Tavern of Tales, an adventurer's inn on the Sword Coast of Faerûn. Join the Discord to learn more and join a campaign today!

Drop-in Drop-out D&D Campaigns

The structure of our D&D campaign is designed to allow players to drop in and drop out as they have time to play. Each week our community DMs will post their sessions on Discord looking for players, then the party will meet at the Tavern in one of our private game rooms. Each adventure is self contained, so if you miss a week don't worry! Get verified on our Discord and start playing today!

The cost for attending sessions are

25$ For non-members

15$ For Tavern of Tales members


DM Program

We are excited to announce our simple but revamped Volunteer DM Program!

Those interested in running sessions are welcome to do so within 5e or any system that you would like!


Volunteer DM Perks:

25$ in-store credit usable for food, beverage, merchandise

Tavern of Tales


Signups are all hosted on our Discord and are open to Tavern Members first. Each DM will handle character creation differently so make sure to speak to your DM with any questions.